
Working from Home
No commute = no travel expenses
Flexible Hours
Can work as many hours per week as you wish including Saturdays and Sundays
Fast weekly payment


Looking for call clerks who can work from home.

You are given a list of 5 star (and may be 4 star) hotels in Europe and the Middle East, and you need to call them to find out

1. the name of the General Manager
2. the email address of the General manager
3. the number of rooms at the hotel

and store this info in the spreadhseet provided.

If you are asked why, you can reply that you have an important Hospitality Audit Report to send to him about the evaluation of the hotel's performance.

You are given access to a skype account to make the calls.

You will need a clear persuasive pleasant voice and head sets to minimise outside noises and disturbances..

As a freelancer you will invoice work done from a Monday to a Sunday, send your invoice on a Monday for payment made the following day on a Tuesday.


Own PC
High speed internet access
Head set
Knowledge of Microsoft packages especially excel
Age: Minimum age 18 yrs old. No maximum age limit.
Bank account in Sri Lanka
This work is suitable for both male and females.
Call centre experience is highly desirable.
Payment is 250 rps per hour.